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Month: August 2024

Intelligence/security agency employees threatening online workers, investors for complaining against online slavery

The indian government has an extremely flawed policy of allowing its well paid liar romance scammer employees rob the resume, data of their female classmates with a good JEE rank who they hate to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, government jobs with the robbed resume, data of the single woman engineer, who is then criminally defamed to cover up the resume robbery, financial fraud, slavery.
The bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree does not want to open her own online, bank account, spend her time and money doing computer work. Instead brahmin housewife nayanshree prefers to spend her time cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, and robs the resume, data of the single woman engineer, online investor, worker, to make fake claims and get great powers, monthly government salary.
In india, all workers, including maidservants are paid for the work they do, spending their time. Only online workers, investors are supposed to tolerate slavery, financial fraud since 2010, as the dishonest greedy tech and internet companies, government agencies rob their data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, haryana fraud mba ruchika k and other fraud intelligence employees to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real online worker, investor who is denied the right to equality.
Since the online worker, investor is making great losses due to government financial fraud, slavery, the online worker, investor is protesting hoping to get justice, end the slavery, financial fraud. Showing how greedy, ruthless and dishonest the shivalli brahmins are in cheating, exploiting, robbing obc/bhandari online workers, investors, they refuse to end their lucrative online slavery, financial fraud on a single woman engineer, domain investor, from north karnataka
Instead the single woman engineer is threatened on quora and asked to shut up

Raghu Udupa commented on answer to: “Why are Shivalli Brahmin fraud government employees given so many powers though their fraud? Can this be proven legally?”

Yo if you hate our sect then just say it. You cannot talk about us like this becuase there are many SHIVALLI Brahmins who are very intelligent and have high posts. You cannot blame us knowing that YOU are also being half kownlaged writing this Damn answer without knowing that u are insulting us. Please stop this sh^^

Bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree is happily married, her husband is getting a very good salary, she has a good social status and leads a comfortable life. In contrast the single woman engineer has been criminally defamed, cheated, exploited, robbed by the shivalli brahmins, sindhis, gujjus, goans, indoris, haryana frauds since 2010, has been subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses using wireless technologies without a legally valid reason which have shocked people worldwide by top government employees allegedly her btech 1993 classmates, batchmates who hate her.

The single woman engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, only has her resume, some of her savings (government agencies have robbed other savings without a court order). When government agencies rob her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees like nayanshree, the engineer is denied a life of dignity,lowering her social status, making her vulnerable to crime in addition to making financial losses.

It is an indication of the lack of honesty and humanity of the shivalli brahmins that instead of asking bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree to end her writing, online fraud, stop robbing data to make fake claims, they are asking the online worker, investor to tolerate their financial fraud, slavery, only because shivalli brahmins are holding top positions in government agencies.
It is an indication of the lack of social justice in india, that relatives of top government employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree can rob the resume, data of online workers, investors to get government jobs in a case of government financial fraud, slavery