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CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of domain investor proves the lack of integrity of the LIAR indian intelligence and security agencies in goa

though they may be extremely powerful, it is legally proved that the indian intelligence and security agencies, especially in panaji, goa are LIARS who lack credibility, should not be trusted
In other states, control of domains, is considered proof of ownership of the domains, only in goa, the extremely corrupt and DISHONEST government, intelligence and security agencies are repeating the LIES of the powerful LIAR ntro/raw employees like tushar parekh, nikhil sha,parmar, puneet who all hate the domain investor abuse their powers to MAKE fake claims about domain ownership promoting their pet sex service provider gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh
Then these LIAR intelligence and security agencies are then CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor as uneducated and with no income, when the domain investor continues to control all the domains since she pays for them
There are many domain investors who are not living overnight at their mailing address, the government does not falsely claim that that school dropout gujju housewives, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains, only in goa, the government is openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD making fake claims about the panaji gujju sex service provider naina chandan

Any cartoonist interested in collaborating with the domain investor to create a cartoon strip featuring the panaji sex queen naina chandan, her powerful lovers in security, intelligence agencies especially raw/ntro like savita bhabhi should contact on
Regular updates on the Extra marital affairs and lovers of the panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan will be provided

Goa intelligence agencies involved in massive SBI credit card making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji gujju SEX SERVICE provider school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan

The goa newspapers carry the news of the escort agencies, yet they do not have the honesty and humanity to goa’s biggest SEX RACKET the panaji gujju SEX SERVICE provider school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, who falsely claims to own the SBI credit card ,domains, and bank account of a single woman engineer who she hates with the help of fraud R&AW employee tushar parekh, mhow cheater ntro employee puneet

It can be medically and legally proved that the kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan is only eighth standard pass, illegally married at 16 to get sex practice, since she has two lazy liar fraud sons karan, nikhil, who are following her footsteps in banking, real estate fraud, telling lies and cheating, does not do any computer work, does not invest any money online in domains, and does not hire anyone to do so

The fraud ntro/raw employees puneet, tushar parekh, nikhil sha, parmar, are making fake claims about their favorite sex service provider naina, since they are addicted to her sex services, and HATE a single woman engineer, the real domain investor and wish to destroy her life completely. so the gujju RAW/CBI employees are abusing their powers and DUPING people, companies and countries that their sex queen naina, who does not spend any money on domains, owns this domain and other domains where her sex news, banking, real estate fraud is posted

These LIAR RAW/ntro employees are also involved in a FINANCIAL FRAUD, falsely claiming that their sex queen naina , who has never applied for a credit card in her life, owns the sbi credit card of single woman engineer who they HATE, which is used for paying for domains, The extremely corrupt liar goan intelligence agencies who are also getting massive CASH BRIBES from naina’s husband who has plenty of black money, are also repeating the lies of the sbi credit card ownership, in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD.

Income tax returns, bank details will expose the sbi credit card fraud of the panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan who does not have the sbi credit card issued in her name and does not have it with her., yet the intelligence agencies, especially in goa are lacking in intelligence and honesty, so they continue with their credit card, banking fraud making fake claims about the school dropout panaji sex queen CBI employee naina chandan.

Intelligence, security agency employees who cheated, exploited the domain investor

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List of Indian intelligence, security agency employees who defamed without proof, cheated, exploited the domain investor owning this website for personal gain and hatred.MISUSING her name for 10 years. Crores of rupees of indian tax payer money has been wasted since 2010, to defame the domain investor without any legally valid proof, only to help google destroy competition, and steal the identity of the domain investor, who is also an experienced engineer. This website is like, exposing corruption, nepotism, financial fraud in NTRO, R&AW, cbi and other indian government agencies, in a quest to end the abuse of power

Gujju secret service/NTRO employee parmar, made completely fake allegations of cheating without any legally valid proof, repeating this lies for defaming and has refused to provide exact details of the frauds making fake allegations to the domain investor so that she can defend herself. He is infatuated with eighth standard pass school dropout sindhi scammer housewife naina premchandani, mother of two sons, and has got her a cbi job falsely claiming that his premika owns this and other domains, when she has not operated a computer in her life and has never paid any money for domain names

Goan gsb fraud official nayak made completely fake allegations of black money, money laundering without any legally valid proof, repeating this lies for defaming the domain investor so that his associates could steal the impressive resume, investment of the domain investor, single woman bhandari engineer and get his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, housewife ridhi nayak, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, savings of the single woman bhandari engineer. 8 years after the fraud nayak started his defamation of the bhandari engineer, he is unable to provide any legally valid proof , yet his lazy greedy cheater relatives riddhi siddhi mandrekar continue to use the stolen resume, of the bhandari single woman engineer, to get a raw/cbi salary at her expense

Goan gsb fraud officials mandrekar, caro, who along with nayak form the goan gsb fraud mafia and are involved in frauds similar to nayak. They made completely fake allegations of black money, money laundering without any legally valid proof, repeating this lies for defaming the domain investor so that his associates could steal the impressive resume, investment of the domain investor, single woman bhandari engineer and get his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, housewife ridhi nayak, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, savings of the single woman bhandari engineer. 8 years after the fraud nayak started his defamation of the bhandari engineer, he is unable to provide any legally valid proof , yet his lazy greedy cheater relatives riddhi siddhi mandrekar continue to use the stolen resume, of the bhandari single woman engineer, to get a raw/cbi salary at her expense.
The goan gsb fraud mafia refuses to acknowledge the education, experience, savings, and hard work of the domain investor, bhandari single woman engineer.

Goan bhandari fraud official pritesh chodankar made completely fake allegations of black money, money laundering without any legally valid proof, repeating this lies for defaming the domain investor so that his associates could steal the impressive resume, investment of the domain investor, single woman bhandari engineer and get his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, R&AW job with the stolen resume, savings of the single woman bhandari engineer. 8 years after the fraud nayak started his defamation of the bhandari engineer, he is unable to provide any legally valid proof , yet his lazy greedy cheater relative goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc continue to use the stolen resume, of the bhandari single woman engineer, to get a raw/cbi salary at her expense

Shivalli brahmin fraud officials hathwar, kodancha made completely fake allegations of black money, money laundering without any legally valid proof, repeating his lies for defaming the domain investor so that his associates could steal the impressive resume, investment of the domain investor, single woman bhandari engineer and get his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relative cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science,a R&AW job with the stolen resume, savings of the single woman bhandari engineer. 8 years after the fraud nayak started his defamation of the bhandari engineer, he is unable to provide any legally valid proof , yet his lazy greedy cheater relative shivalli brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm continue to use the stolen resume, of the bhandari single woman engineer, to get a raw salary at her expense

Light eyed fairskinned brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, director, who is involved in defamation, resume, savings, correspondence, memory theft, human rights abuses of the google competitor, domain investor falsely claiming to help . He has wasted a huge amount of the hard earned money of the domain investor and ruined her life, by rewarding everyone making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, while falsely claiming to help. He also has refused to provide details of those making the fake allegations to the domain investor, so that she could defend herself. He has got R&AW/cbi jobs for 6 of his girlfriends ruchika king, veena, deepika, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel and others falsely claiming that they have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, skills, of the domain investor. He also encouraged others like j srinivasan, vijay, patel, parmar to commit a similar fraud

Brahmin fraud ntro employee j srinivasan, who is involved in defamation, resume, savings, correspondence, memory theft, human rights abuses of the google competitor, domain investor falsely claiming to help . He has wasted a huge amount of the hard earned money of the domain investor and ruined her life, by rewarding everyone making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, while falsely claiming to help. He also has refused to provide details of those making the fake allegations to the domain investor, so that she could defend herself. He has got R&AW jobs for his girlfriends nayanshree hathwar, slim goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc and others falsely claiming that they have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, skills, of the domain investor.

Fraud ntro employee vijay, who is involved in defamation, resume, savings, correspondence, memory theft, human rights abuses of the google competitor, domain investor falsely claiming to help . He has wasted a huge amount of the hard earned money of the domain investor and ruined her life, by rewarding everyone making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, while falsely claiming to help. He also has refused to provide details of those making the fake allegations to the domain investor, so that she could defend herself. He has got R&AW jobs for his girlfriend riddhi nayak and others falsely claiming that they have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, skills, of the domain investor.

Fraud ntro employee patel, who is involved in defamation, resume, savings, correspondence, memory theft, human rights abuses of the google competitor, domain investor falsely claiming to help . He has wasted a huge amount of the hard earned money of the domain investor and ruined her life, by rewarding everyone making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, while falsely claiming to help. He also has refused to provide details of those making the fake allegations to the domain investor, so that she could defend herself. He has got R&AW jobs for his girlfriend asmita patel and others falsely claiming that they have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, skills, of the domain investor.

The following google, tata sponsored R&AW/cbi employees who never answered JEE, never invested any money online, do not have a paypal account, are falsely claiming to have the resume,including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, paypal and bank account of the google competitor to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is not getting anything.

sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil

slim westernized goan obc bhandari sex expert sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc, who provides sex services to government employees, is criminally trespassing

goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who committed corporate espionage on the domain investor, runs an extortion racket

goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, who looks like kangana ranaut, runs an extortion racket in panaji, goa

bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, cheated domain investor of Rs 1.1 lakh

gujju eighth standard pass housewife naina, mother of two sons, with rosebud lips

gujju domain fraudster asmita patel who refuses to pay the market price of the domain names, yet falsely claims to own them to get a monthly raw salary

blackmailer mba hr ruchika king, recently married, who blackmailed the fraud puneet to give fake references

indore housewife bespectacled veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, who stole the documents of the domain investor,falsely claims to have a btech 1993 ee degree, own domain names, when she has never invested any money in domain names in her life

indore resident bespectacled fair and lovely deepika

gsb architect fair skinned tall kalpana natar

another mastermind of the fraud is the balding indore crook mahesh who hides behind fraud R&AW employees veena, deepika, and who is bribing top raw, ntro, cbi, security agency employees in a banking, financial fraud, sex, bribery racket since 2010.

Indian and state government still remain in denial about the brilliantly evil fraud of ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet

Most fraudsters have to at least interact directly with their victim who they rob, yet in a extremely brilliantly evil fraud, NTRO employee mhow cheater puneet robbed everything including resume, savings, correspondence without even bothering to interact with his victim who is a complete stranger to him, with his great charm and acting skills, abusing his great powers as a senior and powerful indian government employee

Usually most fraudsters will only steal the savings, money of their victim, at least no one robs the resume, correspondence, trade secrets, memory of the victim, ruins their reputation, so that even if they lose money to the fraudster, they can get some work, and make money again. Usually the fraudsters are not allowed to steal the correspondence to isolate their victim by the government.

Yet the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet were so ruthless and brilliantly evil, that in addition to ROBBING the savings of the engineer, he also robbed the resume, correspondence, trade secrets, memory of the engineer, her relationships, ruined the engineers reputation so that it is almost impossible to get any kind of paid work in India.

Additionally whatever payment the engineer receives, the fraud puneet falsely claims belongs to his lazy greedy robber, fraud call girl sugar babies like riddhi, siddhi, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, nayanshree hathwar and others, who are not doing any kind of computer work, to get all his sugar babies,their sons, monthly raw/cbi salaries for more than 10 years at the expense of the engineer .

Not satisfied with cheating, exploiting the engineer himself, the fraud puneet also encouraged other fraud ntro employees like j srinivasan, parmar, patel, parekh, nikhil sha, vijay, to also commit exactly the same fraud on her and get their relatives, sugar babies and associates monthly raw/cbi salaries, so that the engineer is now fighting 30-40 fraud powerful ntro employees who have directly committed a fraud on her

All fraud victims are getting angry, when they lose a lot of money, yet the cruel cunning mhow cheater puneet is using this anger to pretend that he is worried about his victims health, and defame, cheat, and exploit her further, continue with his atrocities on her, robbing her correspondence, misuse her name, make fake claims about her business to get his girlfriends monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any work

The mhow monster ntro employee puneet HATED the engineer so much and if he was honest, he should have NOT INTERFERED in her life, not used her name at all, Yet in a BRILLIANTLY EVIL FRAUD , he has ROBBED everything from her, her savings, resume, reputation, relationships, memory, trade secrets, correspondence without even contacting his victim once, If the victim is interacting with the fraudster they can take some action, in this case, fraud ntro employee puneet did not even interact with her even once in 26 years .

In a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women in India, the indian and state government especially goa government remain in denial about the fraud on the goa 1989 jee topper by the mhow cheater puneet and other ntro employees, who ROBBED everything from her, FAKING HELP when they HATED her. Instead the indian and state government repeat their LIES of FAKE HELP, when actually it was non-stop ROBBERY for 10 years

Indian, state government continue to falsely claim that NON-STOP ROBBERY of ntro employees was HELP for the goa 1989 jee topper

BRIBE TAKING top indian government officials duped domain registries, ICANN with their fake claims about indore R&AW employee robber housewife deepika

Bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, the indian government continues with the worlds greatest domain fraud making a single woman engineer spend her time and money paying for domain names, managing them, and then DUPING domain registrars, registries and ICANN that the domains belong to a indore robber housewife deepika who has never paid any money on domain names in her life, to pay the indore robber a monthly raw salary at the expense of the domain investor

This indian government domain fraud has caused great financial losses to the real domain investor, she cannot even afford a new television, since almost all her income goes to pay the Rs 4 lakh for domain renewals
On the other hand, the indore robber housewife deepika does not have to spend any money on domain names, and additionally is getting a monthly salary, because the fraud indian government and is LIAR SECTION 420 FRAUD BRIBE TAKING officials are falsely claiming that the indore robber owns domains after getting massive BRIBES from the indore housewife deepika and her husband mahesh
Because of the indian government domain FINANCIAL fraud on the engineer, the indore robber leads a very lavish life, making trips to foreign countries regularly, installing the latest gadgets in her house like amazon alexa

hence icann should be aware that the indian government is openly involved in massive financial fraud on domain investors in india falsely claiming that robber housewives, call girls and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of citizens who the raw/cbi employees have robbed, cheated or defamed to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner

The indian government should end its online domain fraud of making fake claims of domain investment, and admit that it employs housewives for robbing domain investors, documents and identity

CBI refuses to question its LIAR ROBBER BANKING FRAUDSTER employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro on her BANKING FRAUD which can be LEGALLY PROVED

the government keeps sending smses on vigilance awareness week yet it refuses to question its most corrupt employees
CBI has been criminally defaming the domain investor for 10 years yet it refuses to question its its LIAR ROBBER BANKING FRAUDSTER employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro on her BANKING FRAUD since the robber riddhi falsely claims to own the bank account of the domain investor to get a monthly cbi salary and ROB the corrrespondence of the domain investor

The domain investor cannot sleep at night because of insomnia caused again due to MEMORY ROBBERY of goa’s CRIMINAL FRAUD LIAR top security agency employees nayak, caro without a court order or legally valid reason
These ROBBER goan security agency employees are ROBBING the memory so that they can COPY PASTE THE ROBBED MEMORY on the brain of ROBBER LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji cbi employee riddhi caro nayak, wife of caro, daughter of nayak, who has got a monthly cbi salary without investing any money online, without doing any computer work,. at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke.
Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that ROBBER LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji cbi employee riddhi caro nayak has no online income, online investment, yet the goan, indian government, cbi continues with its great fraud of falsely claiming that its lazy fraud employee who is only cooking, housekeeping, owns the paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer
to cover up the fraud, robber riddhi nayak caro, her fraud liar husband and father are criminally defaming the hardworking engineer spreading false rumors, circulating photoshopped videos,photos, and robbing the correspondence of the domain investor without a legally valid reaso

can the goan government explain why their favorite gujju panaji pervert nikhil can pay for royal enfield bike, yet refuses to pay for domains, though he makes fake claims

Purchase of royal enfield bike by panaji gujju pervert nikhil, proves that BRIBERY is very lucrative in india
one of the reasons why the indian economic growth has reduced is because CORRUPTION, BRIBERY and government fraud is at its highest levels since independence . Those who offer sex,money bribes to top officials get raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary for faking home, paypal, bank account and domain ownership with the help of fraud companies like google, tata.

The latest beneficiary of the google, tata online fraud is the young panaji gujju pervert nikhil, son of the school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like sneha wagh who has purchased a new royal enfield bike ad 9909 for diwali 2019 with the monthly salary gifted by google tata for FAKING domain, paypal, bank account, home and domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor who is not getting anything
a royal enfield bike costs at least Rs 1.22 lakh, with taxes , the gujju fraud refuses to pay any money for domains, yet the indian and goan government makes fake claims about domain ownership pampering and rewarding the panaji pervert nikhil

bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that panaji gujju pervert nikhil has no domain investment, no paypal income, yet because his mother naina offers SEX BRIBES to top gujju officials, having regular SEX with parmar, parekh, nikhil sha and his balding bespectacled father offers MONEY BRIBES to all the corrupt intelligence and security agency employees in goa , the indian government blindly believes all the lies of gujju pervert nikhil, his brother karan and his school dropout mother and pays the gujju fraudster family a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

though the goan and indian government are trying to dupe people, companies and countries that panaji pervert nikhil, with no online income, no domain investment, is a domain investor, people should aware that nikhil on royal enfield bike ad 9909 is only the son of india’s top SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan
This royal enfield bike purchase again proves that in 2019, honesty, hardwork, skills are not important offering BRIBES to top government employees is all important.

CBI collapsing answers on Quora exposing its panaji SCHOOL DROPOUT employee sex service provider gujju housewife naina chandan

Though it can be easily medically and legally proved that the panaji SCHOOL DROPOUT employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is only an eighth standard pass school dropout , illegally married at 16 to get sex practice and become the top sex service provider in India, cbi, indian and goan government remain in denial of the fact and continue with their fraud of making fake claims about the sex service provider cbi employee.

While R&AW at least has the honesty to admit that the goan call girls sunaina, siddhi are hired mainly for honeytrapping (sex services), cbi continues with its great fraud of falsely claiming that its sex service provider employee naina chandan, eighth standard pass is an experienced engineer from a top college and top company. CBI is unable to name the engineering college and company which will officially admit that the semi literate panaji sex queen naina studied or worked, yet it has made fake claims for the last 7 years.

CBI is repeating the lies of powerful ntro and other employees like mhow cheater puneet, parmar, parekh, nikhil sha, who are addicted to sex with the panaji sex queen naina, HATE a hardworking honest experienced single woman engineer, domain investor, so to destroy the life of the engineer , they are involved in the PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT of giving FAKE REFERENCES of a engineering degree to the panaji sex queen naina

To cover up their PROFESSIONAL FRAUD, these ntro employees are then CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer whose resume, savings they have ROBBED to get their sex queen a monthly cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money online.

Hardworking honest skilled citizens targetted for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION by intelligence and security agencies in India, especially goa

One of the reasons why economic growth has declined in India, is because Hardworking honest skilled citizens targetted for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION by intelligence and security agencies in India, especially goa wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money.

The well paid LIAR unpatriotic government employees never lose any opportunity to defame, cheat, exploit and humiliate the hardworking experienced honest and skilled citizen in the worst possible manner, refusing to acknowledge their skills, hard work, risks, investment. A large number of companies, countries and people are duped by the liar intelligence and security agencies

A decade ago, business conditions in India were far better, the intelligence and security agencies would not criminally defame hardworking citizens, they had the humanity and honesty to at least acknowledge the hard work of the person. In contrast in 2019, citizens are wasting their time and energy fighting government fraud.

LIAR Goan intelligence and security agencies taking massive BRIBES from gujju fraudster family to make FAKE CLAIM

though it can be legally proved that the panaji gujju fraudster family of school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons , karan, nikhil, have no paypal, online income, the LIAR Goan intelligence and security agencies are taking massive BRIBES from gujju fraudster family to make FAKE CLAIMS so that three members of the panaji gujju fraudster family, get government salaries without doing any work, without investing any money, only for FALSELY CLAIMING to own the bank account , house of the google competitor
The panaji gujju fraudster family has no legally valid documents to prove bank account or house ownership, yet since they are offering huge BRIBES to top goa government officials, the government is blindly believing their complete lies

Anyone who has details of the government officials making FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji gujju fraudster family and the monthly BRIBES offered, please send an email to