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CBI refuses to admit that its panaji school dropout employee naina chandan’s excellent lifestyle is because of her SEX SERVICES only

Though R&AW, cbi falsely claimed that they were interested in the domain investor, it appears that the government told them that after ten years, they had no right to interfere in the life of a private citizen who was complaining loudly due to the defamation of government agencies

So it appears that political parties and others are now investigating the google, tata sponsored Panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh who google, tata, ntro falsely claim is an online expert, domain investor when actually she is only a SEX EXPERT with top ntro, raw employees her sex service clients

It appears that since Panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan has powerful and wealthy clients for her sex services, she is very wealthy and has a good lifestyle since her wealthy clients are helping her financially and also giving fake references.

Yet in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD instead of admitting that cbi employee naina chandan has a very good lifestyle only because of her excellent SEX SERVICES, google, tata, ntro are making up FAKE STORIES that the school dropout and her sons who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen to pay the panaji gujju sex queen and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, monthly raw/cbi salaries

Intelligence agencies worldwide agree that the family has an excellent lifestyle and great powers because naina chandan’s husband agreed to be cuckolded and ignore the extra marital affairs of his school dropout wife naina chandan with some of the most powerful government employees in india like parmar, nikhil sha, tushar parekh. Political party proved to be more efficient than cbi in investigating the Panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan
When will google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi officially admit that the excellent lifestyle, great powers of Panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan are mainly because of her excellent SEX SERVICES, she has nothing to do with the internet sector

Lawyers confirm that top brahmin ntro employee j srinivasan is a CYBERCRIMINAL stealing data from his btech 1993 ee classmate

Lawyers confirm that top indian tech and internet companies, NTRO are involved in CYBERCRIME to get their associates raw/cbi jobs for ten years
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that top indian tech and internet companies are involved in CYBERCRIME to get their associates raw/cbi jobs for ten years at the expense of a hardworking single woman domain investor

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials
The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account, credit cards, online account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw/cbi employees HATE
Harmless single woman domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years without a legally valid reason, to ROB her trade secrets, identity, treating her worse than an arrested criminal . When arrested criminals are subjected to narcoanalysis the government is getting a court order, in case of the domain investor, the government has refused to get any court order, only ROBS her MEMORY , copy pastes it on the brains of raw/cbi employees, FALSELY CLAIMS that robbed memory belongs to them, to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries for the last ten years
It is a clear case of human rights abuses , yet no one in the indian internet sector has the HUMANITY, HONESTY to ask the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, haryana why they are only targetting the single woman engineer for MEMORY ROBBERY for the last 10 years, why they are not getting a COURT ORDER for stealing the TRADE SECRETS of a harmless private citizen like they do for arrested criminals who are subjected to narcoanalysis
There are many domain investors in india with more domains, more expensive domains, why is only the single woman domain investor targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY, her life converted to a reality show for the last ten years by government agencies without a legally valid reason, denying her almost all fundamental rights, especially the right to privacy, right to a life of dignity

The indian tech and internet companies allegedly google, tata and others are using the ROBBED MEMORY of a single woman engineer to falsely claim that their associates and relatives, who actually do no computer work, are doing the computer work, own her paypal, iwriter, bank account, to get all their associates RAW/CBI jobs with monthly salaries for the last ten years
Lawyers confirm that top indian tech and internet companies are involved in CYBERCRIME to get their associates raw/cbi jobs for ten years when they use the ROBBED MEMORY/data to make fake claims about doing computer work. NTRO, raw, cbi have not acquired the MEMORY of the single woman engineer, a harmless private citizen LEGALLY , they have ROBBED it so brahmin ntro employee j srinivasan is a cybercriminal stealing data from a harmless private citizen, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hates.

When the raw/cbi employees were actually not spending any time and money doing the computer work, why did NTRO, raw, cbi use the ROBBED MEMORY to make fake claims and justify the wastage of indian taxpayer money paying them monthly salaries. When NTRO, raw, cbi, security agencies are making fake claims of writing work in panaji, goa using ROBBED data, they are involved in CYBERCRIME according to lawyers

Goa’s GREEDY LIAR top security agency employees nayak,caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar are the RUTHLESS MEMORY ROBBERS, ROBBING the goa 1989 jee topper for ten years

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account, credit cards, online account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw employees HATE
Harmless single woman domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years without a legally valid reason, to ROB her trade secrets, identity, treating her worse than an arrested criminal . When arrested criminals are subjected to narcoanalysis the government is getting a court order, in case of the domain investor, the government has refused to get any court order, only ROBS her MEMORY , copy pastes it on the brains of raw/cbi employees, FALSELY CLAIMS that robbed memory belongs to them, to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries for the last ten years

Though the ROBBER tech and internet companies like google, tata may persuade Goa’s GREEDY LIAR top security agency employees nayak,caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar that ROBBING MEMORY is their birthright, the ROBBERY victim would like to ask the ROBBER security agencies why she alone is subjected to MEMORY ROBBERY, why are they not ROBBING the MEMORY of other indian citizens, domain investors and women professionals. MEMORY ROBBERY leads to loss of trade secrets, privacy, which affect the quality of life, make it difficult to lead a normal life

It is an indication of the lack of humanity and honesty in the indian government and society that no one is questioning the security agency employees why they are only ROBBING the MEMORY of the single woman domain investor without a court order or legally valid reason, why other domain investors, professionals are not targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY. The equipment used for ROBBING MEMORY is very sophisticated, it can be easily removed and used elsewhere on known criminals, yet only the harmless single woman engineer is targetted for ten years

cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro continues to rob correspondence of domain investor to run EXTORTION RACKET in panaji, goa

Please note that this website series is only to end the indian, goan government FRAUD of falsely associating the panaji ROBBER QUEEN cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak caro, wife and daughter of goa’s LIAR top intelligence and security agency caro, nayak, with the domain investor who ROBBER riddhi has never interacted with, yet ROBS the correspondence for ten years without a legally valid reason, to run a EXTORTION RACKET
the domain investor is only a harmless private citizen, the domains are always available for sale at a reasonable price, and whoever wishes to purchase the domains, can buy them.
There are also many indian domain investors, the wife and daughter of security agency employees does not rob their correspondence without a legally valid reason, only in goa, fraud top officials like nayak, caro, are ruthless in ROBBING the correspondence of private citizens , so that his GREEDY ROBBER wife riddhi nayak caro, can run an extortion racket in panaji, goa
All other indian citizens, do not have their correspondence robbed, why is the correspondence of the single woman domain investor alone diverted to riddhi nayak caro, who HATES the single woman and criminally defames her.

Goa education department notice to english teachers recommending portuguese passport, shows that whistleblowers exposing corruption are punished in goa

Instead of acknowledging that corruption, nepotism, bribery levels in goa are very high and taking action to end the bribery,corruption the government is only harassing and punishing whistleblowers. While the harassment, humiliation of the domain investor is clearly documented in the website series, the Goa education department notice to english teachers recommending portuguese passport, again shows that whistleblowers are punished in goa

Though the indian and goan government is always belittling, humiliating, cheating and exploiting those with good english language writing skills, these skills are in demand worldwide
Goan government WRITING FRAUD forces english teachers to recommend that goans apply for portuguese passports
Intelligence and security agencies in the rest of india, should realize that the website network is full of complaints, because business conditions in goa are some of the worst in India and the SHAMELESS CORRUPT LIAR government officials are least bothered because no action is taken against them.
The domain investor, engineer is not the only person complaining. Though goa was liberated from the portuguese by the indian army, in 1961 at present, the conditions in goa are so terrible that english teachers settting the goa SSC board exam, are recommending that people in goa should apply for a portuguese passport and leave goa at the earliest
There are no jobs in goa for hardworking and meritorious people, all jobs are for those with influence like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters,purvi, piyali, cousin teji, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, who have powerful relatives in intelligence and security agencies, like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar who have INFLUENCE to get their relatives jobs with FAKE BANK account, writing and computer work.
Similar, R&AW/cbi jobs for young panaji gujju fraudster brothers karan/nikhil who are also FAKING BANK account, writing and computer work at the expense of the person doing computer work, are examples of BRIBERY in goa, which led to portuguese passport recommendation for goans by teachers who are aware of the harsh reality of living in goa

Instead of sending notices to the four teachers who recommended portuguese passports for people in goa, they should be rewarded for their HONESTY, people, politicians should ask the goa government why well connected BRIBE GIVING FRAUDS are getting monthly government salaries for FAKING computer work, bank account, domain ownership

Amazon delivery person confirms goa government computer work fraud since 2010

Even amazon delivery person duped that sex service provider R&AW/cbi employees in panaji are doing computer work
Indicating how widespread the google, tata SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING FRAUD in panaji, goa is, almost everyone in goa is duped that sex service provider raw/cbi employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, gujju school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, robber riddhi nayak caro who do no computer work at all, are online experts, ordering computers on amazon when these fraud raw/cbi employees do not have to have to purchase any computer hardware at all, since google, tata are running the great ONLINE RACKET in the world since 2010

For example after the Iball Marvel 6 laptop was hacked by ntro,raw, cbi, google, tata so that it does not start at all, the domain investor does not have any spare computer at all, so she ordered a computer on amazon, paying with her sbi credit card. She was not able to contact the amazon delivery person on 912282624444, pin code 6661 since it was giving the message, invalid number

When the amazon delivery person contacted on mobile, he asked whether it should be delivered to sex service provider sunaina chodan, or naina chandan’s address. The domain investor then had to go out and tell the delivery person that she was the person who had ordered it. This clearly showed that intelligence and security agency employees in panaji, goa are openly involved in a massive computer work, credit card fraud duping the amazon delivery person with their fake stories of computer order.

The amazon delivery person then dumped the computer ordered outside the damaged gate of the domain investors house. This again exposes the extent of the ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata online., computer work fraud since 2010. women who actually do computer work are criminally defamed in the worst manner, and google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, indian, goan government are duping people that SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, robbers, cheaters who do no computer work, are computer, internet experts to pay all these frauds a monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investors house.

The goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, can afford to pay Rs 1300 for a sports bra, she does not want to spend any money on computers at all, yet her google, tata PIMPS , fraud relatives like pritesh chodankar, sugar daddies like brahmin cheaters j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet are duping people, companies and countries with their lies about computer work, domain ownership.
Similarly gujju school dropout panaji sex queen naina chandan, and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, with white tiles on the patio, royal enfield bike, tulsi plant do not do any kind of computer work at all, yet the powerful fraud lovers of naina like tushar parekh, parmar,nikhil sha, her bribe giving fraud husband pran, make FAKE CLAIMS which the goa, indian government blindly believe to pay the panaji sex queen and her sons a monthly salary for FAKING computer work at the expense of a single woman engineer.
Though naina and her fraud sons can purchase a royal enfield bike costing Rs 1.9 lakh, they refuse to pay any money for domains yet get a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership. To justify the fraud, the fake black money allegations are made, yet there is no proof for sending a income tax notice even after wasting Rs 50 crore of taxpayer money for ten years

why is the goa government making fake claims of computer work, while defaming hardworking citizens

Led by Mhow cheater puneet, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro/raw employees FAKED their relation with single woman domain investor mainly to increase leverage and power

Though they were already infatuated with good looking women, the SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro/raw employees were not honest enough to use the real resume, savings of their mediocre lazy liar inexperienced girlfriends who were only cooking, housekeeping or enjoying themselves and had no internet connection at all
Led by Mhow cheater puneet, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro/raw employees FAKED their relation with single woman domain investor they HATED mainly to increase leverage and power, so that they could falsely claim that in addition to the government job, they could also FALSELY CLAIM that they controlling expensive domains and were spending a large amount of money online.

Only after these fraud ntro employees started robbing everything from the domain investor with the help of google, tata , she started complaining online, on quora and other places especially the web network. Though they have got raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy girlfriends with the stolen identity of the domain investor, these fraud ntro employees and their girlfriends are not spending any money online, though they shamelessly, falsely claim to do so.

To prevent further losses, the domain investor is forced to waste her time and money to alert people about the indian government fraud, and that she, a private citizen alone is spending all the money and ntro/raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming to be associated with her, when they have not contacted her at all

This fraud of the well paid greedy liar ntro, raw, cbi employees has led to brain drain from india.

Income tax returns legally prove that intelligence agencies in 5 states are LIARS,FRAUDS SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED

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since 2010 the NTRO, raw, cbi, security and intelligence agencies in 5 states allegedly bribed by google, tata are openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of a single woman engineer, domain investor falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, cheater, liar, fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, have not answered JEE, do not do any computer work, have the resume, savings , paypal, bank account of the domain investor

Income tax returns filed in 2019 will again legally prove that intelligence agencies in 5 states, goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, maharashtra and haryana/delhi are LIARS,FRAUDS SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED since they abused their powers to falsely claim that google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, cheater, liar, fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen

The domain names are not free, every year, approximately Rs 1000 has to be paid for each domain to the domain registrar and registry, which the raw/cbi employees are not spending for the last 10 years and are least interested in doing so, rely on fraud companies like google, tata to use their propaganda machinery to cover up the financial fraud
, yet ntro, raw, cbi, security and intelligence agencies in the 5 states have committed their great FINANCIAL, domain FRAUD for ten years without being questioned, duping a large number of people, companies and countries with BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor. Now they do not have the humanity and honesty to admit their mistake and compensate the victim of the FINANCIAL FRAUD

Google,tata have made criminal defamation the safest and most lucrative form of corruption in India for security, NTRO and intelligence employees

If a government employee is caught taking a bribe from a company or professional, the ACB can file a case, CBI can also file a case for disproportionate assets if the security agency employee has more assets, after taking bribes

So google, tata have developed a very sophisticated form of corruption in which the government employee will never be caught or punished though he is abusing his powers for personal gain or hatred. The security agency employees like hathwar, kodancha,caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, parmar are criminally defaming a hardworking harmless single woman domain investor, engineer in the worst possible manner, without any legally valid proof making up 100% FAKE STORIES
Then after defaming the hardworking engineer to ruin the innocent person’s identity completely, they are stealing the identity of the engineer, to get their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives and associates lucrative raw/cbi jobs faking the identity, bank account, domain ownership
Since the indian government itself is wasting tax paying money to pay frauds with fake resume, fake bank account, fake domain ownership, the possibility that the official will be accused of corruption is very less
However this form of corruption of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of innocent citizens to steal their identity and get raw/cbi jobs is more lucrative than bribery, getting one time cash bribes, because the relative, associate is getting a monthly salary, pension, great powers to extort money from others and the corrupt employee is also not going to be caught
Most of these relatives/associates like raw/cbi employees nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan have never held any job after their education, yet they are getting monthly R&AW/cbi salaries without doing any work, without investing any money, FAKING their resume, only due to CRIMINAL DEFAMATION skills of their powerful relatives and lovers.

However the government refuses to acknowledge that criminal defamation is worse corruption than cash bribes , since the loss to the government paying employees with fake resumes, fake skills, fake investment is far more. private companies agree that paying a salary to a employee with fake resume, is a waste of their money, however the indian government insists on retaining employees with fake resumes.

Falsely claiming to own the bank account,savings, have the resume of the goa 1989 jee topper who she HATES,CRIMINALLY DEFAMES shows that cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, lacks humanity and honesty

Most people have the humanity and honesty not to falsely claim to be associated with a person they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME and have never interacted with or met.
yet indicating the widespread rot in goan society and government , the goa government is involved in a massive EDUCATIONAL, financial fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, FALSELY linking panaji housewife ruthless ROBBER riddhi nayak caro with her to deny the engineer, the income and opportunities the engineer deserved and rob the correspondence of the engineer for eight years
Additionally riddhi nayak caro and others are also involved in a financial, educational fraud on the engineer falsely claiming to own the bank, paypal account, credit card of the engineer when actually robber riddhi does no computer work, did not study engineering and has not invested any money online
Any help to end the fraud of the goa government which is falsely associating call girls, robbers, and other frauds with the goa 1989 jee topper to deny the engineer, the income, opportunities she deserved will be appreciated.
when panaji housewife robber riddhi does not want to meet the engineer why is she falsely claiming to own the single woman’s bank account, credit card to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer
Despite putting the engineer under surveillance for ten years, no proof has been found, she is a harmless private citizen, and does not require any help from anyone
No one has stopped panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro from legally opening her own paypal, bank account, offering services or selling products to customers outside india, yet riddhi nayak caro makes refuses to do so, since she will have to work very hard spending a lot of time, neglecting her family, house, taking the risk of losing money
Instead criminal defamation of a hardworking person, has become the easy way to fake ownership of a bank acount, credit card and get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the person being defamed with the help of google, tata