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Though bengaluru brahmin raw employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar was only cooking at home, intelligence and security employees made fake claims for 6 years

In a clear case of the rampant NEPOTISM, CORRUPTION and fraud in the indian intelligence and security agencies, allegedly bribed by google, tata, Though bengaluru brahmin raw employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar was only cooking at home, intelligence and security employees made fake claims for 6 years to get her a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money online at the expense of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor who was spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work.

It is an indication of the poor status of educated hardworking women in India, that though the income tax returns clearly proved that nayanshree hathwar had no paypal, online income, her powerful relatives hathwar, kodancha, friends, sugar daddies like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, fraud companies like google, tata continued to repeat their lies duping people companies and countries, with internet companies worst affected

This writing online fraud reveals the mindset of the top intelligence and security agencies, just because they have criminally defamed a hardworking single woman engineer, they think that they can exploit her for the rest of her life

To cover up the lazy mediocrity of shivalli brahmin women, fraud officials like kodancha are making fake money laundering allegations

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Shivalli brahmin officials like goan bhandari, gsb and other officials are some of the greatest liars and frauds in the world, openly involved in abuse of power to get their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, R&AW jobs with the stolen identity of hardworking women engineers who are then held virtual prisoners, their correspondence diverted and stolen

These shameless greedy fraud brahmin and goan women, indore robber veena are too lazy to improve their language skils, provide any kind of services to customers outside india , they only rely on their fraud relatives, friends and other officials who take bribes to abuse their powers and make fake allegations without any proof at all against hardworking indian women who have worked hard to improve their english reading and writing skills.

Very few indians are born with excellent english skills from birth, their mother tongue is usually some other language.
Those who have good english writing skills, are usually spending a lot of time reading and writing, only then their vocabulary will improve
If a person wishes to improve their language skills, they can do so, if they work hard
The domain investor was not good in Hindi is school, yet she worked very hard to improve her written hindi, and she got good grades
It was only school marks, there was no money involved at all, yet the domain investor managed to improve her hindi language skills.

In case of the ntro, raw, cbi, security agency fraud, bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, has got a monthly salary for more than 6 years making fake claims that she owns the iwriter, paypal account of a single woman engineer who she cheated and refused to reply.

Can ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, google, tata, explain in an open debate why their role model bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar and other 9 google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not working hard to improve their language skills, and opening their own paypal account legally to offer services to customers outside india ?

why are raw/cbi employees continuing with their fraud of falsely claiming to own the paypal account of a private citizen for more than 9 years bribing the LIAR FRAUD ntro employees led by mhow cheater ntro employee puneet who are openly abusing their powers to dupe countries, companies and people worldwide.

Panaji top extortionsist CBI employee goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak making Rs 25 lakh from extortion, bribery and robbery

the goan newspapers reported that cbi were taking action against some customs officials for having assets of about Rs 24.67 lakh, yet it refuses to take any action against its google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak who looks like actress kanagana ranaut, wife of powerful fraud security agency employee caro, making more than Rs 25 lakh annually from her robbery,extortion racket in panaji with the help of fraud ntro employee vijay and fraud companies google, tata

google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak has not answered JEE,not studied engineering, yet she is falsely claiming to have a btech 1993 ee degree with the help of fraud ntro employee veena. Additionally riddhi nayak, her husband caro, relatives, nayak, mandrekar and others are diverting and stealing almost all the correspondence of a harmless single woman engineer with a good JEE rank to run a very lucrative robbery and extortion racket since 2010.

The engineer was making more than Rs 25 lakh annually when she was in Mumbai, in goa almost all her orders are diverted and stolen, so she does not make much money, despite working very hard. All the orders are stolen by riddhi nayak and her associates making fake allegations of national security, black money and similar allegations without any proof for the last 7 years.

Unlike the lazy greedy goan fraud cbi employee robber riddhi nayak, who shamelessly and falsely claims to own the bank account of the engineer to get a monthly cbi salary without doing any work at all,the engineer has to spend her time working, she does not have time to go shopping everyday, and the frauds are making fake allegations of black money just because she does not spend money daily. panaji’s top robber and extortionist riddhi is stashing her money in the form of gold

there are some days where the engineer will spend more than Rs 1500-2000 a day, and she is withdrawing very less cash yet those making fake black money allegations refuse to acknowledge the fact that most citizens do not spend the same amount daily, continue to make fake black money allegations without any proof at all so that lazy greedy frauds like riddhi nayak, naina chandan can get a monthly cbi salary without doing any work at all.

Indian intelligence agencies waste most of their resources monitoring harmless innocent citizens for years

This post has been written mainly because of the insomnia caused by the regular MEMORY ROBBERY of the domain investor by NTRO in panaji, goa to ensure that their favorite SEX worker sunaina siddhi , cheater housewife riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena, school dropout naina and other fraud raw/cbi employees get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money, falsely claiming to have the resume, savings, paypal, bank account of the domain investor.

The regular memory robbery of the domain investor by ntro does not take place automatically some resources are required for the robbery, some person is initiating or ordering the robbery, the robbed memory is then analysed by people, and then transfereed to the 10 google, tata sponsored, call girl, robber, school dropout fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 degree and others

Lawyers have indicated that 40-50 intelligence and security agency employees are involved in monitoring and harassing the harmless domain investor, engineer since 2010, for more than 9 years. Now indian intelligence agencies do not have infinite employees, they have only approximately 10000 employees . There are many other harmless indian citizens like the engineer who are also closely monitored by the indian intelligence agencies wasting resources, intelligence employees are spending their time monitoring the activities of these citizens.

So if a professional analysis of resource utilization of intelligence, security agencies is carried out, 50% of the intelligence employees are wasted monitoring innocent indian citizens against whom no proof has been found for many years, only because fraud companies like google, tata are interested in surveillance, to avoid paying salaries to these professionals like the engineer, domain investor. So only 5000 intelligence employees are monitoring a large country like india, with real problems, killings and violence in many states

In Kashmir, there are unlikely to be more than 1000 intelligence employees and these are likely to be overworked since there is lot of unrest. Yet the indian intelligence agencies are extremely incompetent, lack in professionalism, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are wasting resources monitoring harmless innocent citizens, like the domain investor, engineer and move the resources to more productive work, like monitoring Kashmir, where there is lot of violence.,

Till the indian government leaders refuse to ackowledge the fact that resources are wasted monitoring harmless citizens like the domain investor, engineer, and end the wastage, the intelligence agencies will never have the resources to end violence in places like Kashmir

Indian government has made NTRO india’s top sugar daddy website, getting R&AW/cbi jobs for sugar babies of top ntro employees

In 2019, bribed by google, tata, the indian government has made NTRO india’s top sugar daddy website, since all the good looking sugar babies of top ntro, security agency employees are getting permanent R&AW/cbi jobs with 100% fake resumes, fake savings, fake work, fake skills, fake investment and fake experience.

Crores of indian taxpayer money have been wasted since 2010, so that the powerful fraud ntro, security agency employees can harass, defame, cheat , and exploit harmless hardworking indian paypal account holders and get the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives, school dropouts, robbers and other fraud women their sugar babies, permanent raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary and great powers.

Bank details, income returns will legally prove that the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, have no skills, experience, investment, they are getting a monthly indian government salary only for being the sugar babies of the extremely powerful ntro employees, who are india’s most powerful sugar daddies with the indian and state government blindly believing in their complete lies. Young women interested in becoming sugar babies of top ntro employees can find useful information on sugar baby questions and finding sugar daddies

The sugar daddy NTRO employees especially j srinivasan, puneet, parmar, parekh, nikhil, vijay, patel are realizing that they abused their powers to get their mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced sugar babies raw/cbi jobs with stolen identities, and are very sensitive to any criticism about this fraud. So all the answers of the domain investor on quora are being systematically deleted since the ntro employees are realizing that the only qualification of the fraud raw/cbi employees is being a sugar baby of a powerful sugar daddy ntro employee

Why is the goan, state and central government refusing to acknowledge the puneet-vrushali college romance

The domain investor is not getting any traffic from google for her websites, because google claims that she is not a trustworthy source.

On the other hand, google, tata , ntro, raw, cbi, indian and state governments are blindly repeating the complete lies of mhow cheater ntro employee puneet and other ntro employees who have stolen the identity of the engineer, falsely claiming that he and others are very trustworthy source, when these cunning ntro employees are liars, exploiting the fact that private citizens cannot file a rti.

In fact other than j srinivasan, the domain investor does not even remember the face of any of the ntro employees like vijay, parmar, patel who are falsely claiming to know her to steal her resume, savings, correspondence, and with j srinivasan, puneet , the interaction was limited, like passing the attendance sheet

The only way the engineer, domain investor and google competitor can end the fraud permanently, is by legally proving that there is no connection, communication between the ntro employees and her for the last 25 years, they have no right to interfere in her life, misuse her name, make fake claims. The engineer made the mistake of tolerating this fraud for more than 9 years, now she cannot afford to tolerate anymore losses, defamation.

A few years ago, when the domain investor was checking her engineering classmates, she found that one of her classmates also from madhya pradesh, was working in google after doing his phd , and he was a good friend of mhow fraud puneet, often spotted together on the campus, living in the same hostel . Indian intelligence agencies are showing their lack of intelligence, refusing to verify, find out the real campus relationships nearly thirty years ago, repeating lies of the ntro employees.

In college vrushali from pune was the mhow cheater punet’s most well know girlfriend, later nayanshree hathwar, naina, riddhi , siddhi , sunaina, veena and others were his girlfriends, there is no communication between the google competitor, experienced engineer and domain investor at all, it can be confirmed legally. The google competitor has the exactly same relationship with the google employee, and mhow cheater puneet , they only studied in the same btech 1993 ee class.

An open question to google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, indian and state governments, why is the google employee, the good friend of mhow cheater puneet, not used to independently verify the real girlfriends of mhow cheater puneet during engineering college, why are these organizations and companies repeating the lies of mhow cheater puneet that he was a friend of the domain investor, faking help to steal her correspondence, savings, memory, resume, when there is no connection at all,

After college, the google competitor was in mumbai, goa, only interacted with her professional colleagues, and some others from the same ladies hostel, she can legally prove that there is no communication between the mhow cheater puneet, other ntro employees and the google competitor, engineer whose resume, savings, memory, correspondence he has stolen

The domain investor, engineer only wishes to lead a peaceful life like other indian private citizens for the rest of her life, a life of dignity, without her correspondence stolen, house robbed, being denied her fundamental rights by officials faking help for her, without being falsely labelled a security threat

Goan gsb fraud official falsely labels harmless single woman engineer security threat without any proof so that his lazy greedy fraud wife riddhi gets cbi job with her stolen identity

One of the top fraud gsb officials in goa is caro who along with his cunning fraud relatives nayak, mandrekar, is falsely labelling a harmless single woman engineer with a good JEE rank as a security threat without any proof at all, so that his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater extortionist wife riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut , can steal the identity of the single woman engineer and get a lucrative cbi job with monthly salary at the expense of the woman engineer.

Goa’s top fraud gsb officials caro, mandrekar, nayak are unable to provide any proof at all despite wasting crores of indian taxpayer money since 2010, yet they continue to vicious defame the innocent engineer, so that their lazy greedy fraud relatives riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar and others can get a monthly government salary without doing any work at all at the expense of the engineer.

It is a clear case of abuse of power, caro,nayak, mandrekar are defaming, harassing, cheating and exploiting an experienced innocent single woman engineer, only so that their relatives and associates can get a monthly salary with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees do not want to open their own paypal account legally, are criminally trespassing on la campala colony house

With the help of fraud liar ntro employees, Lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees do not want to open their own paypal account legally, are criminally trespassing on la campala colony house of engineer in panaji, goa to get a raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money

In most cities and towns in India,.no one repeatedly burgles, robs and criminally trespasses on the house of harmless private citizens, engineers with a good JEE rank, especially if they have no money in their house ,. however bribed by google, tata the corrupt greedy bribe taking goan security and intelligence agencies like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, hathwar, kodancha, naik are openly involved in many criminal activities on the house of a harmless single woman engineer in la campala colony, panaji, goa , burgling, robbing and trespassing her house, repeatedly in 2018, damaging the house and causing great losses, as part of the elaborate fraud of falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored call girl, fraud raw/cbi employees like pampered PANAJI PROSTITUTE sunaina,siddhi DOCUMENT ROBBER RAW employee veena, school dropout naina and other fraud raw/cbi employees,. who do not operate the bank account, own the paypal account of a single woman engineer, domain investor

The goan government is the only government in India which falsely claims that criminally trespassing in the home of a private citizen in la campala colony, panaji, goa repeatedly, is making the criminal trespasser the owner of the house in a clear indication of the criminal tendencies of the top intelligence and security agencies in panaji, goa, their lack of respect for the fundamental rights of educated women, right to property. It is very creepy for a private citizen, to find that strangers have entered her house when she is away, have stolen whatever they feel like, despite changing the key repeatedly .

Can the goan government, ntro, raw, cbi, indian government explain in an open debate, why their lazy fraud mediocre raw/cbi employees are not opening their own paypal account legally, why they are criminally trespassing on the home of a private citizen, engineer, in la campala colony, panaji, goa everytime she receives money in her bank account, transferred from her paypal account. Unlike the fraud raw/cbi employees who will never justify their criminal activities like criminal trespassing in an open debate, the engineer, can legally justify every paypal payment she is receiving from her customers for products and services

Panaji burglary indicates the lack of ethics of google, tata, NTRO, raw, cbi , security agencies

In an indication of the extremely unethical tactics of the sundar pichai led google to destroy and silence competition, it is allegedly involved in the repeated burglaries of the house of the google competitor, panaji, goa in February and October 2018 to force her to agree to an unfair identity theft, make her work like a slave for the rest of her life

While chatting with a canadian content buyer, he indicated that he expected the google competitor to spend all her time, writing content from october onwards, working as an “assistant”, she would have no other source of income and the money he would pay her would be her “salary”.

It appears that the goan and other officials were planning to burgle the house, and they expected the google competitor to file a police complaint, and then force her to sell the house or at least the domains at a very low price. The house was ransacked in the worst possible manner to create an atmosphere of fear, hoping that the google competitor would be terrified.

However the engineer has been tortured, harassed, cheated and exploited so much in the last 10 years by the PIMP google, tata employees, prostitute, fraud pampering ntro, raw, cbi employees led by the brahmin mhow cheater puneet,. that she has learned to handle everything without panicking or letting it affect her.

The intelligence and security agencies in panaji, goa bribed by google, tata believed in lies of the indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, who falsely claimed that the domain investor, google competitor had plenty of cash, when actually the google competitor had very less cash, since she is making a loss for the last 8 years, after being put under surveillance

However there was very less money in the house, and the google competitor was already robbed of so much by google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees like hathwar, kodancha, that she did not file a police complaint. The google competitor also had to travel out of goa, and could not afford to spend time at the police station.

So immediately in October 2018, the work from the canadian content buyer also stopped after the burglary, indicating that it was a well planned conspiracy involving the local intelligence and security agency employees in panaji, goa who are bribed by google, tata with jobs for their call girl, fraud relatives like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, naina with the stolen identity of the google competitor .

Google, tata now trying to get raw/cbi job for their associate stalker housewife nisha dsa

8 years after the google, tata, ntro banking online , paypal fraud started, even the indian government is realizing that the tata, google employees are shameless liars and cheaters, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy associate is doing work online to get them raw/cbi jobs wasting taxpayer money, while stalking, sexually harassing, defaming, cheating and exploiting the person who is actually doing all the work, spending her time.

In goa section 420 fraud LIAR google, tata employees making fake claims are some of the greatest and most DANGEROUS FRAUDS in goa,putting a hardworking single woman engineer under surveillance, to steal her orders, leads, block her payment and dupe people that their sex workers they supply and other well connected lazy greedy cheater housewives like riddhi nayak, gujju school dropout housewife naina, and her sons, goan housewife nisha dsa, who do not spend any time and money online are doing the work online, to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor, domain investor and engineer

BANK details will legally prove that google, tata employees are the greatest LIARS , CHEATERS and FRAUDSTERS in goa, far worse than the nigerian fraudsters as none of the sex workers, cheater housewives promoted by the section 420 fraud liar google, tata employees have ever made any money online in their life and are least interested in doing so, yet the fraud tata employees are such ruthless liars that the goan government, security and intelligencies in goa and elsewhere blindly believe their complete lies

In a clear indication of the corruption of the indian and state governments all the lazy greedy sex workers, cheater housewives and frauds promoted by the liar cheater tata, google employees have got lucrative positions without doing any work at all, without investing any money online, at the expense of the google competitor, engineer, domain investor who has worked like a slave since 2010, getting nothing and her retirement savings have also been stolen without a legally valid reason

After getting 10 of their lazy greedy call girl, school dropout, cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud women lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the google competitor, it appears that the cheater tata employees are also trying to get a raw/cbi job for their lazy fraud associate nisha dsa, falsely claiming that she is doing work online, when actually she is not doing any work online at all. However it appears that the government realizes that the google, tata employees are liars, have cheated them earlier, and are asking google, tata, nisha dsa for proof, in terms of bank details.

So as long as tata stalker associate nisha dsa cannot provide bank details or frame the domain investor, she will not get the raw/cbi job which tata employees are trying to get for her.