the government keeps sending smses on vigilance awareness week yet it refuses to question its most corrupt employees
CBI has been criminally defaming the domain investor for 10 years yet it refuses to question its its LIAR ROBBER BANKING FRAUDSTER employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro on her BANKING FRAUD since the robber riddhi falsely claims to own the bank account of the domain investor to get a monthly cbi salary and ROB the corrrespondence of the domain investor
The domain investor cannot sleep at night because of insomnia caused again due to MEMORY ROBBERY of goa’s CRIMINAL FRAUD LIAR top security agency employees nayak, caro without a court order or legally valid reason
These ROBBER goan security agency employees are ROBBING the memory so that they can COPY PASTE THE ROBBED MEMORY on the brain of ROBBER LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji cbi employee riddhi caro nayak, wife of caro, daughter of nayak, who has got a monthly cbi salary without investing any money online, without doing any computer work,. at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke.
Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that ROBBER LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji cbi employee riddhi caro nayak has no online income, online investment, yet the goan, indian government, cbi continues with its great fraud of falsely claiming that its lazy fraud employee who is only cooking, housekeeping, owns the paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer
to cover up the fraud, robber riddhi nayak caro, her fraud liar husband and father are criminally defaming the hardworking engineer spreading false rumors, circulating photoshopped videos,photos, and robbing the correspondence of the domain investor without a legally valid reaso